Saturday, June 6, 2015

Etan Patz's Father Stockholm Syndrome Defending Monster Joan Illuzzi?

Etan Patz's Father Stockholm Syndrome Defending Monster Joan Illuzi? I have Audio of Her Lying to Me She Also Blamed DSK Victim She has No Ethics and is Corrupt Abuser

Shocking and sad Mr Patz would defend her when she is responsible for causing the more suffering and I believe she use their sons death as a political play because that's how corrupt and evil she is and her handing of my case and others below read below just the tip of the
Ice Berg?  Cy Vance and Joan Illuzi another Charles Hynes scandal in progress?

If she gets the Staten Island DA job I feel sorry for SI but maybe she will end up facing a grand jury and that is comforting.

She betrayed the Patz family like she betrayed me and how many other victims but for the Patz's it is worse and so sad Mr Patz's defends  monster  unethical liar corrupt because she is she will lie she will do anything for her political ambitions and political players. 

Etan Patz's father defends Joan Illuzzi against Michael McMahon attack
Joan Illuzzi, the Republican candidate in the district attorney's race, was the prosecutor in the Etan Patz case that recently ended in a hung jury. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer) 
By Rachel Shapiro | 
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on June 05, 2015 at 11:52 AM, updated June 05, 2015 at 12:06 PM  — 'The Staten Island Advance' / Staten Island

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- The father of Etan Patz is defending the work of Manhattan prosecutor Joan Illuzzi against attacks from her opponent in the Staten Island district attorney's race.
Stan Patz replied to comments from Democrat Michael McMahon, criticizing the Republican Ms. Illuzzi's handling of the case in which murder charges against a man who confessed to killing 6-year-old Etan in 1979 ended in a hung jury last month. One hold-out juror was unconvinced by defendant Pedro Hernandez's confessions and did not join the other 11 jurors who found him guilty.
In an interview with the New York TimesMcMahon said, "As I understand it, her recent litany of cases have not been successful. In the D.S.K. case, she publicly attacked the victim," he said, referring to the case against former International Monetary Fund head Dominique Strauss-Khan, in which sexual assault charges were dropped after the alleged victim's credibility was challenged.
"In the Patz case as well, I think you'll see that you need the skills, but you also need the temperament and the judgment," McMahon told the Times. "That's what the office requires."
Stan Patz defended the work of Ms. Illuzzi, a 27-year veteran of the Manhattan D.A.'s office and the head of its Hate Crimes Unit. She resigned this week to run for Staten Island D.A. against McMahon.
"Under her leadership, Joan formed a team that researched and organized 36 years of police work," Patz said in a statement. "She dispatched investigators to all parts of the country interviewing people and tracing leads. Joan Illuzzi was able to integrate this mountain of information, forge a solid case and deftly deliver it in court."
"Joan convinced everyone in Etan Patz's extended family, despite previous beliefs, that Pedro Hernandez is guilty of kidnapping and murder. She persuaded 11 of the 12 jurors, alternate jurors, and who knows how many in the assigned press corp. Sure, we were disappointed that the jury could not come to a unanimous decision. But, because of her efforts, we now know what happened to our child back on May 25, 1979."
He added, "We are very grateful to Joan Illuzzi for her dedication to finding justice for our little boy. We fully and enthusiastically support this top prosecutor's quest to become the district attorney of Staten Island."

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